circa August 24, 2015
Wise Words for a fresh Week:
Never let people invalidate your feelings. Ever. YOU have permissions to feel however you want to feel about any and everything. Don't let the fear of someone's reaction, what others may think, or the threat of repercussions deter you from standing in your truth and your bucket of feels.
Be leary of those who feel a need to be friends with everyone, OR who can't find time to have any friends at all. Yeah, nwah.
The term younger, prettier, and more talented then you only applies if the person is in fact younger, prettier and more talented than you. Everyone isn't a hater.
Make note of those that only hit you up when they need something, or when you are a last resort. No one's phone is broken all the time. No one is that busy. Especially if they are with other people all the time. Every so often, stop reaching out to people. Those who still make an effort are the ones to hold on to.
Take notice of those who push issues only when it pertains to them receiving a benifit. They are not an advocate, they are selfish. Race, equality, sexisim, workplace inconsistencies etc are serious, and should be dealt with for the betterment of the greater good and not for ones personal vendetta or agenda.
In addition, don't put your neck out there for just anybody. And watch out for those that let you do all the talking with ish hits the fan. Yeah, nope.
Run away from people who constantly need praise. They are exhausting. Furthermore, people shouldn't need pats on the back for doing their jobs. Learn to grow your our inner Beyoncรฉ voice and sleep well knowing you did your Sunday's best.
The person who overnight is "over it" and now believes they are the mature one, is normally the most childish of them all. Growth takes time. Not 24 hours girl.
Everything doesn't deserve a "yaaaaaasssssss". Some things deserve a side eye. Don't always follow the crowd. Unless they are running. In that case, follow, and quickly.
Try really hard to not be that "one friend", you know who I'm talking about. It varies in every friend group. Just don't be that guy. No ONE likes THAT Guy.
Learn the proper undergarments to wear under white clothing. Yeah, self explanatory.
In conclusion...
Shut up sometimes. Learn to stay in your lane. It's ok to log off. Take yourself on solo dates. If it ain't broke don't fix it. But if it is, buy a new one. Learn to say no. Read a book. Fix your brows. I ain't for everybody, and that's fine. Do you boo.