A Few Words

From the Vault: 
Originally posted October 27, 2015

A few words...

How would your life be different if you stopped allowing other people to dilute or poison your day with their words or opinions? – Steve Maraboli

I learned that who doesn’t looks for you doesn’t miss you. And who doesn’t miss you, doesn’t care for you. Destiny determines who enters your life but you decide who stays.

That the truth hurts only once, but a lie hurts every time you remember it.

There are three things in life that leave and never return: words, time, and opportunities.

You can’t grow healthily or flourish freely with naysayers trying to water your garden.

There are people who get you no matter what you do, and there are people who don't want to get you no matter what you do. And neither has anything to do with you.

That there are people who still only look for you when they need or WANT something from you, and at this point you should never feel a way for calling them on it.

That Preforming is still my most favorite place on Earth to be.. and if you are lucky enough to do it for a living, DO IT WELL.

That grown-ups who lack consistency are the worse kind of grown-ups.

Stop explaining yourself to those who only understand from their level of perception.

Value those who value you.

Know that people rarely change. You just get to know them better.

There is nothing more humbling then watching someone passive aggressively make light of opportunities you would kill for.

That no matter how many times I've heard it, the question of "why are you single" is the worse and will always sound more like a question of what is wrong with me and less of a compliment.

That things that matter aren't always easy. Calling someone a friend is easy. Friendship isn't.

Three kinds of people to stay away from: uninspired, unexcited, ungrateful.

That we all have this one life. How do you want to spend it? Apologizing? Dieting? Running after people who don’t see you? Do what feels good. Take risks. You have this one life. Make yourself proud.

My ultimate goal is to be at peace with myself, eliminate toxic feelings, elements and energies from my life. Unlearn negative and harmful practices and thought processes, stop checking for people who don't check for me, create a space for myself that is nurturing for growth so that I may generate loving energy for myself and others, nourish my spirit, create good energy and balance my soul..

Most importantly trust your dopeness, and learn to exist on your own.


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